Make Writing Easier with Gateway Child Development Workbooks!
Gateway Child Development's Numeracy Workbook is designed to make learning essential math concepts engaging and accessible for foundation phase students. Introducing numeracy concepts helps children build a solid mathematical foundation, making it easier for them to understand and apply math in everyday situations. Simplify your child's learning journey with Gateway Child Development Workbooks!
Our Numeracy Workbook is an exciting way for preschoolers to learn basic mathematical skills such as number recognition, number tracing, and counting.
From tracing numbers 1 - 10 to learning how to count, preschoolers will develop the necessary motor control for writing as they learn basic math concepts.
Numeracy Workbook
Author Lulu Chetty Dimensions A4 No. of pages ±64 (Per book) No. of books 3 Book format Stapled Paperback ISBN 978-0-6397-4011-9
Publisher Imprinton Shipping PAXI